Northern Indiana Law Enforcement Academy

Bike Patrol Course

Course Information

Course ID: 24-010
Course Start: 6/5/2024 8:00:00 AM
Course End: 6/7/2024 4:00:00 PM
Course Time: 6/5/2024 8:00:00 AM to 6/7/2024 4:00:00 PM
Course Days: 0
Course Hours: 24

Location Information

401 W. Joliet Street
Crown Point, IN 46307

Pricing Information

Member Tuition: 0.00
Non Member Tuition: 0.00

Class Participant Information

Class Maximum Size: 15

Course Description

Instructor: Cpl. Bradley Hasse, Crown Point Police Department

Class Location: Col. Wheeler Middle School (South Parking Lot)
                          401 W. Joliet Street, Crown Point, IN 

This course is designed to explain the advantages and disadvantages of police bike patrol. Students will be subjected to information on bike selection, including but not limited to frame, forks, brakes, and tire size. They will receive instruction on proper bike maintenance and care, along with riding etiquette and safety equipment. Last, the student will be briefed on common Indiana State bike laws and how they pertain to the bike patrol officers' duties. 

Course Materials

Students will need to bring: 
- Bicycle
-Athletic attire
-Gloves and sunglasses